COLUMBUS, Ohio-The Ohio Hospital Association reports double-digit percentage increases in new COVID-19 cases requiring hospital treatment in every age group.

The highest increase is among those under the age of 17, and reports say there has been a more than 68% increase in hospital admissions in that group over the last week, according to OHA.

The presidents and CEOs of six Ohio children’s hospitals are sounding the alarm about pediatric cases of COVID-19 and unseasonable rates of RSV.

In a letter released Thursday, the leaders of Nationwide Children’s, Dayton Children’s, Cincinnati Children’s, University Hospitals Rainbow Babies and Children’s, Promedica Children’s, and Akron Children’s urged mask-wearing and vaccinations for those that are eligible.

The letter noted an increase in pediatric hospitalizations due to COVID-19 and the delta variant and  levels of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) which are not usually seen until its typical peak in winter, along with concerns of staffing challenges at the hospitals.

It was reported that last week, inpatient numbers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, doubled due to COVID.  In addition, RSV numbers are at unseasonably high rates, as 40 children were admitted to the Columbus hospital alone, by the beginning of the week.

Last Updated on May 24, 2022 by AVC News

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